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Everything you need to know about work gloves

Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur les gants de travail

Work gloves are essential equipment for many professionals. Whether it's construction, gardening, handling or any other manual work, choosing the right work gloves can make the difference in working safely. In this article, we will guide you through the different types of work gloves we offer at Nine Worths , their specific uses, and how to maintain them for optimal lifespan.

Why are work gloves essential?

Hands are a precious tool! They are constantly stressed and exposed to various dangers such as cuts, abrasions, chemicals, and extreme temperatures. Work gloves are designed to protect hands against these risks while allowing optimal dexterity and performance. They are essential to ensure safety and productivity in the workplace.

The different standards of work gloves and their uses

To choose the appropriate work gloves , it is crucial to understand the different safety standards and features of the gloves available.

The EN 21420 Standard

The EN 21420 standard specifies general requirements in terms of ergonomics, dexterity, safety, information marking and instructions for use. For optimal use, it is important that the glove is the right size.

The EN 388 Standard

This European standard specifies the requirements, test methods, markings and information to be provided concerning protective gloves against the mechanical risks of abrasion, cutting by slicing, tearing, perforation and, where applicable, impact. The standard measures several levels of resistance to the following attacks:

  • A: resistance to abrasion (from 1 to 4)
  • B: resistance to cutting by blade (from 1 to 5)
  • C: tear resistance (from 1 to 4)
  • D: Puncture resistance (from 1 to 4)
  • X: resistance to cutting by blade from (A to F) – ISO cut

How to choose the right work gloves?

Choosing the right work gloves depends on several factors:

  • Type of work : Identify potential hazards and the specific requirements of your job and environment. For example, welding jobs require heat-resistant work gloves, while handling chemicals requires gloves that are resistant to corrosive substances.
  • Size and fit : Properly fitted gloves provide better dexterity and comfort. Do not hesitate to ask us for advice on choosing your size.
  • Material : Choose the material based on the risks and needs of your job.
  • Safety standards : Check that the gloves meet the safety standards applicable to your industry, such as EN standards in Europe or ANSI in the United States.

Maintenance and durability of work gloves

To extend the life of your work gloves , it is important to maintain them correctly:

  • Cleaning : Follow instructions for cleaning. Some gloves may require specific products.
  • Storage : Store gloves in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight and chemicals.
  • Regular checks : Regularly check the condition of your gloves. Replace them as soon as they show signs of wear such as holes, tears or reduced protection.

Work gloves are a crucial part of ensuring safety and efficiency in many professions. By choosing the right gloves for your needs and maintaining them properly, you can protect your hands from harm while improving your work performance. Remember that safety begins with good preparation and appropriate equipment!

To find out more about the best work gloves for your needs, do not hesitate to contact us.

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